Farm Location: Penacook, NH
Number of years farming: Since 1925
Number of staff/family on the farm : 4 family members own the business, 1 family manager, 4-5 part time
Current acres managed : 500
Current acres in grains : 80
Future acres in grains (your vision): 125
Grain Crops Grown: Barley, Rye, Oats
Other crops grown: Corn, grass (hay and alfalfa, legumes) all for for dairy feed
What makes your farm special? 1 of only 2 active dairy farms in the city of Concord. A good amount of the land we grow grains and farm on is on the Merrimack River, making it important to keep the soil cropped to prevent erosion.
Favorite crop you grow and why: I like my grain crops but I grew up growing corn and I like to watch corn grow and grow it.