Your Partners in Northeast Craft Malt
In collaboration with farmers, brewers, and distillers in our region, we are creating world-class products that have a positive impact on our local landscape and economy
Using varieties that improve soil and water health
Warthog Wheat, Danko Rye, and European Winter Barley are varieties that have been the backbone of Valley Malt and many award winning beers. They not only grow well but they have excellent flavor and malt quality.
Farms like Oechsner, Mosher, and Morrill Farms continue to keep growing these Northeast proven winners and we keep malting them but we all work together to trial new varieties.
Sourcing 100% of our grain from local farms
Finding excellent winter and spring varieties to grow and malt that serve as rotational crops on farms is critical to the viability of the diversified family farms we work with in the Northeast. Cover crops, like wheat, barley and rye improve the soil and keep water sources healthier. They also provide long term, stable markets to farms so they can keep growing!
Powered by 100% renewable hydroelectric power
The city of Holyoke is a post-industrial city, working to maintain renewable energy power into the next century. Valley Malt is primarily powered by a river run and canal hydroelectric system. Our building is on a canal with a hydro turbine passing through it.
100% reusable or compostable packaging
The overuse of single-use plastics are posing risks to our water and environment and since paper packaging was historically used for malts, we’ve decided to make a commitment to only use 100% reusable or compostable packaging. We hope this shared value of reducing plastics and waste is another reason to choose our malts.
90% reduction in malt miles traveled
We get it, malts from Europe are popular and have commanded special esteem for generations...but what will our next climate-conscious generation of customers think?
We strive to make local malt that delivers flavor and quality while increasing freshness and reducing the carbon footprint of your malt.